La palabra bivocal en un fragmento de Pedro Páramo

  • Eustolia Urióstegui Carlos El Colegio de México


Among the multitude of topics that scholars have studied in Pedro Páramo, dialogue has been seen as a secondary one. To change this perspective and to conceive to the dialogue as the axis of the novel, would propose the existence of a dialogic structure which would sustain not only the essence of the text but also its structure. The approach that I have chosen selects some of the notions contained in Problems of the poetic art of Dostoievski and “The word in the novel, of Mijaíl Bajtín. This way, the fragment of the father Rentería analyzed by the bajtinian concept of “microdialogue” allows to make out a skein of voices and dialogues. When one approaches to Pedro Páramo from bajtinian theories, one can see how new possibilities of study for this novel are opened.


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