Romances contra Hidalgo y Marroquín de Francisco Estrada y Terán

  • Ángel José Fernández Universidad Veracruzana
Keywords: independence, infighting, insurgent forces, pamphlet, Hidalgo.


This essay presents two romances of historical character, writings in favour of the State and the Spanish Crown and in opposition to the insurgent movement; in these texts one attacks, especially, the priest Hidalgo and the bullfighter Agustin Morroquin, who was nominated a deputy by the own Hidalgo. The romances were printed in the moment itself in which there were provoked the events of the War of Independence and appeared without author, my search has made possible that now we know the one who was his author: the Licentiate Francisco Estrada y Teran. The essay does the times of introduction and, at the same time, there are checked his literary and historical characteristics; the romances are reproduced, with spelling and punctuation modernized, to the philologic use and with a device of notes of character historically. There treats about the first two of the literary manifestations novohispanas of thematic counterinsurgent and they recover about the celebrations of the bicentenary of the beginning of the heroic Mexican exploit.


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