Masculinidades homosexuales en la narrativa de Eduardo Antonio Parra, Joaquín Hurtado y Nadia Villafuerte

  • Gerardo Bustamante Bermúdez Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad México
Keywords: homosexual narrative, gender, normativity, violence, masculinities.


This article analyzes the theme of homosexual masculinity in four Mexican stories, three of them published at the end of the 20th century and the other at the beginning of the 21st century. It focuses attention on the representation of the distinct forms of being a homosexual male, the fulfillment of desire and sexuality, as well as on the interpersonal relations that are generated between men, be that in open or closed spaces, with the intention of exercising sexual dissidence and placing oneself in a position of sexual dominator or dominated. The text speaks to the themes of violence, transvestism, the exercise of power and the representation of the Mexican homosexual in narrative at the turn of the century.


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