The tyrant and the martyr in El anticristo by Ruiz de Alarcón

  • Serafín González Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: apocalypse, tyrant, power, violence, martyrs.


In this article I analize the figure of the Anticristo, protagonist of the comedy, in the context of christian millenarism. The dramatic definition of the character’s nature is inspired by biblical texts as well as in the legend about the Final Enemy. During the progress of the action a procupation present in Spain at that time is made evident: the distinction between falseness or the truth about certain supernatural experiences. At the end, on the basis of stoicism, the triumph over the chaser of christians, the Anticristo. I also intend to highlight the text composition as a unit as it is realized at all times in the appropriate tone which strongly expresses the spiritual dimension of the events that are being recreated.


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