Rayuela: a novel of translation, or how to champollionize the rosetta stone of literature

  • Liliana Weinberg Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Rayuela, Cortázar, novel, translation, writer, reader.


This article reflects on the central role of translation in the novel Rayuela (1963) by Julio Cortázar, and reviews a series of examples of this key aspect. This text considers how the transit of terms and expressions from River Plate Spanish into French, as well as the effort to contextualize and translate certain habits, rituals, and words in the transition between these two cultural worlds, constitutes one of the greatest keys to the novel. Many passages, chapters, and terms in Rayuela conduct to secret spaces and areas of language and experience that are very difficult to translate. An aspect that, at the same time, reminds us of, not only the fact that Cortázar himself was the translator, but that he also reflected on these topics and recommended anyone who began a writer's career, that they should start by learning how to be a translator first.


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