Of masks and figureheads: parody and satire in “Pintura de una dama matante con los médicos sirujanos de Lima”, by Juan del Valle y Caviedes

  • David Anuar González Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Keywords: Juan del Valle y Caviedes, parody, satire, petrarchism, Indian Baroque.


The present work analyze the poem “Pintura de una dama matante con los médicos sirujanos de Lima”, by Juan del Valle y Caviedes, it’s objective is to show that in the text parody (of petrarchism) and satire (of the society of Lima) are joined to create the heteroglosic quality of the poem, and the baroque play of masks, in other words, the play between what it is said, and what it is wanted to be understood. Finally, following the ideas of Daniel Torres (1993), it is pretended to indicate the points in which this poem commune with the poetic of the Indian Baroque.


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