Sobre el soneto “Miré los muros de la patria mía...” y sus imágenes de muerte moral

  • Eduardo Molina Fernández Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa


The critical reception of the sonnet “Miré los muros de la patria mía” has oscillated between two interpretations: the moral one and the patriotic one. To affirm that his character is eminently moral, it is precise to respond to known instances and to others before ignored comments. For example, the latin literary sources and estoics, so prized by the poet. Also, there are some aspects of the tradition literary and christian of the death, relating to stoic concepts, molding together the penitence of the character in each verse. The temporary in the poem, functions like mark of anguish, of moral death, that his time, cover all of the Heráclito cristiano.


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