—“No, mamá, no soy puto. Soy homosexual, que es muy distinto, y estoy enamorado”: parody of the melodrama in the mexican gay narrative

  • Antoine Rodríguez Centre d’Etudes en Civilisations, Langues et Littératures Etrangères Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3
Keywords: Mexican melodrama, parody, gay, cinema, literatura.


The two novels examined in this article by (Melodrama [1985] Luis Zapata and Fruta verde [2006] Enrique Serna) show the impregnation of the Mexican film melodrama in the social behavior of the characters. The parodic presence of melodramatic codes results in the deconstruction of sexual fiction imposed by the power and the different networks attached to it. My interest is to see how these codes work, how they question the norms and the extent of subversion.


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