The ninety years of actual no. 1. Observations on the estridentista manifesto by Manuel Maples Arce

  • Evodio Escalante Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: manifestos, “noise makers”, cultural cross-breeding, mexican revolution.


Based on the study of Actual No. 1, Manuel Maples Arce’s outbreakingmanifesto, this paper intends to show that the stridentist movement is the outcoming of a complex cross-breeding of historical and cultural forces that are in the background of its occurrence. Play a prominent role in its emergence, in the first place, the Mexican Revolution, of course, but also is important to consider the worldy-scale emergence of the avant-garde movements as much as the previouswork of the poets José Juan Tablada and Ramón López Velarde and of the muralist painters David. A. Siqueiros and Diego Rivera.


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