Visión de los indígenas en El rudo ensayo de Juan Nentuig, misionero jesuita

  • Marina Martínez Andrade Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa


This paper study the alterity in El rudo ensayo written between 1762 and 1763 for the missionary Jesuit Juan Nentuig. Fundamentally the otherness unites to the experience of the strangeness, which leads to the description of landscapes, climates, plants and animals, forms, powers and applications and, especially, of the human beings (language, beliefs, genius and character, customs, ceremonies, social and political organization, etcetera). In this way, the images by means of which the author provides a vision of the aborigens of the Northwest Novohispano (ópatas, pimas, seris and apaches) occupy a central position in this text.


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