Evolución y construcción del personaje trágico: La cisma de Inglaterra de Calderón de la Barca

  • Néstor D. López Reyes Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: semiotics, actantial model, tragedy, character, Calderón.


This work proposes about how Calderón de la Barca incorporates the constitutive elements of a classical tradition of the tragic hero, but they are adapted in the building of La cisma de Inglaterra’s protagonist, as a modern drama. I mean, I give myself to the job of appreciate the tragic character’s evolution in a christian spanish drama, assuming all the implications this leads, by a procedure and semiotic approach, adopting, for a better interpretation, the tool of the actantial models to analize its development an dramatic relation. The play breaks with a established pagan-cultural model, but at the same time it constitutes the creation of a new identity for the construction of a tragic christian character.


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