Conversación ausente en la ciudad al sur: silencio y circunlocución como estrategias mnemotécnicas en las obras de Ricardo Piglia y Marta Traba

  • Jesús Eduardo García Castillo Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa


Though with difference of eleven years in his dates of publication, Conversación al sur of Marta Traba (1981) and La ciudad ausente of Ricardo Piglia (1992) they take as a central topic the preservation of memory of the South American dictatorships with the intention of which these experiences do not repeat themselves. In both novels, the intertextuality with other literary works is fundamental not only for the construction of the plot, but also for the elaboration of the deep meaning for that every autor looks in his own text; because of it, is possible an analysis in both novels, though these have been conceived in an independent way completely.


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